Friday, August 23, 2013

Galatians 1:1-5

TVCC Students,
As always, we love getting to worship with you. It was such a blessing to us to have Tristan come and lead us in worship. Since we are still wrapping up the summer craziness, we have not yet started the book that we will be going through in the fall. Sonny taught us this week from the book of Galatians, reminding us of our high calling given to us through Jesus. Here is a recap...

Galatians 1:1-5

~1:1: Paul was called an apostle. An apostle is one sent on a mission. Paul was on a mission to declare to the world the grace and peace offered through Jesus Christ. Our mission is the same... as seen in Matthew 28:19- we are called to make disciples in His name through His power (as He is with us till the end of the age).

~1:1:Paul also states that he is an apostle through Jesus Christ and God who raised Him. His apostleship was not of himself but he was sent by the Creator of the universe who raised Christ and set us free. Knowing who sent Paul (and who sends us) gives power and authority to his message (and our message). We all must remember who is sending us on this great commission and ultimately who gives us the power/strength to declare this message.

Q: Do you realize the great mission that you have been called to as a believer in Jesus Christ? This life is not our own (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). We are called to be his "apostles" in the sense that we are on a mission to declare to the world the grace and peace offered through the blood of Jesus.

Q: In what ways do you feel the Spirit calling you to readjust the course of your life, either on a large scale or small one, that you might be a more productive ambassador for Him?

~1:3: Paul asks that grace and peace be theirs through Jesus Christ. What a different message we have in Christ than Israel did before Christ had come. When we look back at the book of Jeremiah, we can clearly see that we are just as guilty as they were of doing the following things that led to God's fierce anger...

-Jeremiah 1:13:
1. The Israelites had forsaken the Lord. We have forsaken the Lord.
2. The Israelites offered sacrifices to other gods. We have offered sacrifices to other gods.
3. The Israelites worshipped the work of their own hands. We have worshipped the work of our own hands.

-In the book of Jeremiah the outcome of this horrible rebellion against the Lord was His judgement. Though we are just like Israel in our rebellion of the Lord, there is a huge difference. We are now offered GRACE and PEACE but not just because God just decided to offer us this. Our sin deserved punishment just like Israel's. Christ took our punishment. Isaiah 53 goes through this in detail. Our punishment fell on Him. Through Him we are offered GRACE and PEACE!

Q: Do you realize the grace and peace that you have been offered in Christ Jesus? Do you realize the wrath that you deserve for you sins and that Christ took that wrath so that you could be offered grace and peace?

~1:4-5: Jesus paid for our forgiveness with His life. He rescued us from this present evil age. This world will be done away with (2 Peter) and then real life will begin for believers as we are reunited with the Lord! To God be the glory for this great truth!

Dear students,
We pray that this week you will remember the grace and peace that is yours through Jesus Christ. Let this grace and peace spur you on to love and good deeds. We pray that you will spend time meditating on the Word of God and that you will let Him continually speak to you through the Word, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. We love you all and are so thankful to get to worship with you every week.

With hope,
~Sonny and Casi

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