Thursday, February 28, 2013

John 16:1-11- The Helper

TVCC Students,
I am sorry that we have missed a few weeks of Life Points. We are back on track now! Last night we went through John 16:1-11 and were greatly encouraged to meditate on the Helper that has been given to believers in Jesus Christ. Here are the highlights from last night...

~John 16:1: The phrase "being made to stumble" is a phrase that was also used in discussing a "bait stick." Jesus was warning them of the "bait" that satan would soon be using the ensnare and discourage them. In order to resist this bait, Jesus would be sending them the Helper.

Q: Do you realize that satan is out to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10) and that he prowls around like a lion seeking someone to destroy (1 Peter 5:8)? If we do not realize that we are in a battle, we will very easily take the "bait" that satan is offering that will keep us from living for the glory of the Lord.

~John 16:2: Persecution comes to all who want to live godly lives in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 3:12) and those that persecute Christians will think that they are doing a good thing. Persecution can take many forms- we are in a battle against our flesh (which is mainly internal) and against the ungodliness of this world (which is external). If we are not fighting any battles for the sake of Christ, we need to evaluate our faith and see if we are really His.

Q: Do you have genuine faith in the Savior or are you just nominal Christians who just acknowledge facts about Christ? What battles are you fighting to live godly in this life?

~John 16:3-4: Christians will be persecuted because unbelievers do not know the Son and they persecuted Him first. When He was here, all of their hatred for God was poured out on His Son. Now that He is in heaven, the hatred of the enemy is on His body (believers in Christ). We must remember that just as He suffered for loving the Father, so we will suffer as we love the Father and the Son.

~John 16:5-11: When Jesus went back to the Father, He sent the Helper to aid us in our striving against sin and darkness. We need the Helper because we cannot live righteously without Him. No one asks for help for something that is easy for him (like lifting a small book) but we ask for help when we cannot do something on our own (like lifting a piano). We need to realize that we NEED the Holy Spirit daily in order to overcome this world and to be conformed to the image of Jesus.

~The word "helper" that he is using here is a form of the word used in the Old Testament for "wife." It implies and intimate relationship. Jesus wants us to have an intimate relationship with the Spirit and receive help from Him on a continual basis.

Q: Do you have an intimate relationship with the Lord? Are you continually asking for the Spirit to help you in your weaknesses that you might bring glory to the Father in your life?

Dear students,
We are so thankful for you all and we are always encouraged to have you all in small groups Sunday nights to hear what the Lord is teaching you and to hear how we can be in prayer for you. We encourage you to be in community with other believers this week and to spend time with the Spirit of the Lord. Ask continually for His help. We encourage you to spend time meditating on the Word of God and to listen to Him in prayer. We love you!

With hope,
~Sonny and Casi