Thursday, September 26, 2013

Our October Sabbatical and Philippians 3: Jesus is Everything

TVCC Students,
Last night was our last night before Sonny and I take our Sabbatical for October. Please be praying for us that the Lord will use this time to refresh us in Him. Our hope for this time basically has 3 parts that we would love for you to be praying over when we are gone...

1. We hope to be able to gain a lot of encouragement from our meetings with other ministry leaders from around south Texas (and even some in California). We will be visiting other churches in Austin,  College Station, Katy and Tomball (and one in California =)) to see different methods of ministry and pray about any ideas that we feel might be useful in ministering more efficiently to the TVCC students.

2. We hope to be able to spend a lot of time as a family strengthening our family. Working in full time ministry is an absolutely incredible gift that we cherish and for which we prayed but at times it can be hard to be "off." It is good for us to take a step back during the Sabbatical to make sure that our little ones are getting ministered to and loved on, We also hope that this Sabbatical will be a refreshing time for our marriage as we spend time together in His Word and in prayer for our church and family.

3. Lastly (and most importantly) we hope to be able to rest in the Lord and meditate on His Word a lot. Believe it or not, it is sometimes easy for those in full time ministry lose sight of their first love, Jesus. We both have a reading list of encouraging books that we hope to read along with our time in the Word. We hope to really spend time diving into His Word and letting His Spirit draw us closer to Him.

We cannot thank you all enough for supporting us during this time. Please know that if we are unable to answer facebook messages or texts during this time, we are still praying for you all and are excited to start November fully refreshed. Please pray for us! If you have any encouragement from the Lord that you would like to share with us for our Sabbatical, we would love to hear from you (facebook is great and we also LOVE getting letters in the mail from you all).

With all of that said, we WILL be having our regular worship service every Wednesday led by Shane Mylius, Brian Smelek, and Nathan Ramirez. We will also be having our regular small groups every Sunday nights at the home of Jackie and Kevin Castrow. Here are some contact numbers for while we are away:

Brian Smelek (for questions regarding Wednesday worship service): 281-733-9362
Jackie Castrow (for questions regarding Sunday small groups): 281-507-5901
Kevin Castrow (for questions regarding small groups): 713-882-2088
Janet Fosdick (for questions regarding the youth fellowship event on Oct 12): 713-907-3740

Okay, sorry that that was so long. Last night we spent some time diving into Philippians 3. It was wonderful to be reminded of who Jesus is, what He has done for us, and what we have in store for us after death. Here is a recap...

Philippians 3:17-21

~3:17: Paul calls them brethren. Even though dealing with the body of Christ can be messy at times, we are still a family and are called to love and endure with one another. Paul understood that and loved the body with the steadfast love that he knew Christ loved him with.

Q: Are you someone who loves the body of Christ with a steadfast love or is your love for the body conditional? Are you able to love and forgive when you have been wronged? What encourages you to have a steadfast love for the body?

~3:17: Paul encourages them to join him in making much of Jesus. He encourages them to observe the character of other believers and follow that. Just as we have role models in the world that we like to model our talents after (like a great football player or even a businessperson we look up to) so also should we be looking for examples in the faith that we would like to imitate as they imitate Christ.

Q: Do you have people in the body of Christ that you are observing that you might gain wisdom from in hopes of following their example as they seek to follow Christ?

~3:18: Some that were once with Paul had fallen away and were now considered enemies of the Cross. Here are the 2 ways that Paul said made one an enemy of the Cross...

1). Thinking that the work of Christ isn't enough to justify someone before God makes one an enemy of the Cross. Jesus plus anything else is WRONG. We cannot add anything to the work of Christ on the Cross. He alone makes us blameless and acceptable to the Father.

2). Saying that Jesus' work on the Cross doesn't have enough power to transform lives makes one an enemy of the Cross. Jesus came so that we would have new life and be brought back to our perfect state before the fall. Though we will never be without sin in this life, Jesus came that we would continually be transformed by His Spirit into His image. To "accept" Jesus and then continue living without any changes from the Holy Spirit is not what Jesus wants for us.

Q: Have you been guilty of either of the above mindsets regarding the work of Christ on the Cross? If so, we encourage you to confess this false belief and return to the full hope that is offered in the death of Christ on your behalf.

~3:19: Those whose hope is not in Jesus have only eternal destruction in their future after this life. The hope of the believer can be seen in John 16:33. Jesus has overcome this world! Though we will have trouble here- Jesus has overcome for us and we are co-heirs in His victory! Praise God for this.

Q: Do you realize that this world really does offer tribulation and that the hope of the believer is not here? What encourages you to cling to this truth?

~3:20: We are waiting for the return of Jesus when He will take us to our new, eternal home free of all death, sin, and darkness! We can find much encouragement from Revelation 21 as we see the future that awaits those whose hope is fully in Christ. How amazing to be united with Him forever in a place not stained with sin and darkness!

Q: How often are you meditating on the hope that is yours in Christ? What does it look like for you to live believing that Jesus is coming back to take His children with him to their forever home?

~3:21: Only Jesus has the power to transform both in this life and once this life is over. He is transforming His children continually as they pursue Him here and He will also transform us for eternity when He returns for us. What a great hope we have in Him!! Thank you Jesus!

Q: Are you letting Jesus transform you on a continual basis through His word and Spirit? What does it look like for you to continually be changed by Him?

Dear Students,
We are always so encouraged to see you all pursuing the Lord and loving one another. We pray that this week you will be able to slow down and really let His word transform you as you meditate on it. We love you and are praying for you!

With hope,
~Sonny and Casi

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Nehemiah 1: Loving as God loves

Dear TVCC Students,
We are finally beginning our fall study through the book of Nehemiah. It was so neat to see last night how much our summer study of Colossians was brought to life by the life of Nehemiah. Here is a recap from last night...

Nehemiah 1:
~Background: Before jumping into the text, we need to understand what state the Israelites were in during this time. The Israelites had been defeated by Assyria which had been taken over by the Babylonians and then the Persians. Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the king of Persia during the captivity of the Israelites. Because of their unfaithfulness and rebellion to the Lord, Israel was made slaves to these different kingdoms.

~1:1-3: Nehemiah is a living example of Colossians 3:12-13. Though he had every opportunity to forget about his fellow Israelites who were enslaved, he chose to be concerned with them and ask about their well-being. In being the king's cupbearer, Nehemiah was one of the most esteemed men in the kingdom and thus he is here demonstrating a "heart of compassion" with humility and kindness when he seeks to know the state of his fellow Israelites. Nehemiah was not so absorbed in his own affairs and life that he neglected his responsibility to the Lord and His people.

Q: In what ways are you living out Colossians 3:12-13 in your life? In what ways are you neglecting to live out Colossians 3:12-13?

~1:4: When Nehemiah heard about the spiritual and physical state of the Israelites, he was broken and began to weep and pray and fast. This is what it really looks like to live selflessly and "carry the burdens" of others (Colossians 3:12-13). The body of Christ ought to care so much for one another that we weep when others are in a dismal spiritual state and we rejoice when others are walking near to the Lord (1 Corinthians 12:26). The reason that Nehemiah asked was because he really cared.

Q: When was the last time that you checked on the spiritual wellbeing of a brother or sister in Christ?

~1:5-7: Nehemiah has a right view of God and of himself and the Israelites. In his prayer, he starts off with giving honor and praise to the Lord. He knows that the situation involving Israel's slavery due to disobedient and rebellious hearts is not something that he can change. Only the Lord can change rebellious hearts and turn them back to Him. Nehemiah knew this and sought God's mercy on the people. Nehemiah then goes on to confess his sins as well as the sins of the people. Just like the woman in Luke 7, Nehemiah knew God's love for him despite his failures and from that realization was able to love others with such a selfless love. He was humble and wanted change for himself and God's people.

Q: When was the last time that you pleaded with God to change the heart of someone you know? Do you often come to the Lord praising Him for His greatness while confessing your own shortcomings? How do your prayers differ from Nehemiah's? Why do you think that is?

~1:8-11: Nehemiah goes on to pray and "remind" God of His covenant with Israel. Nehemiah is quoting from Deuteronomy and the covenant God made with them. It was a covenant not based on the righteousness of Israel but on God's great mercy and grace (Deuteronomy 9). Israel would fail often but God's mercy would never fail. God's heart was always to have a relationship with His people and He would continue to pursue them so that they would come back to Him and enjoy Him. Nehemiah knew this and was appealing to God on behalf of God's character, asking Him to bring them back.

Q: What does it look like to live a life of thankfulness for God's grace? While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He loved us while we were unlovable and rebellious. What should our lives look like in response to His great love?

Dear students,
We are so thankful to see you all growing in your love for the Lord and devotion to the body of Christ. We have been so encouraged to see how many of you are having consistent community with one another- this is the best way to put into practice the things that we learn through our study of the Word. We need continual fellowship with the body of Christ. We are encouraged to see that in you all. We are praying for you this week that you would meditate on God's great love for you and from that you would love others. We love you!

With hope,
~Sonny and Casi

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Philippians 1:1-10: Experiential Knowledge of God's love

TVCC Students,
This was our last week where we were not traveling through a specific book. Starting next week we will be in the book of Nehemiah for about 6 weeks. We know that this season of football and other extra-curricular activities makes it difficult for most of you all to get there by 7 but we are just thankful that you are making weekly corporate worship a priority in your busy lives. That is so encouraging to us! This week Sonny taught us from Philippians 1. Here is a recap...

Philippians 1:1-10

~1:1: Paul again prays, as he does in all of his epistles, that grace and peace would be extended to them. Sonny taught us last week about how wonderful it is that grace and peace could even be extended to us. While we were dead in our sins and deserving of all of God's wrath, Christ died for us and took the wrath we deserved. Only through Him can grace and peace be ours. How wonderful that we can experience eternal grace and peace.

Q: Have you been living this week in light of the fact that the wrath you deserved was taken by Jesus and that you can really live in the grace and peace of the Lord, not His judgement? In what ways have you been forgetting his grace and peace? In what ways can you grow in loving others with grace and peace as you have been loved?

a). Paul prays for this church that he was instrumental in starting. Why do people pray? We pray for many reasons but one of the biggest reasons people pray is when they realize that something is outside of their control. Such is the case with Paul here. He is praying for the people to grow in the Lord because he knows that this is an act of God- not something he is in control of. God causes the growth of believers (1 Corinthians 3).

Q: In what ways can your prayer life grow this week? Are you spending intentional time worshipping the Lord and asking Him to change things that are beyond your control (including your own growth and the spiritual growth of others)?

b). Paul prays that their love of the Lord would abound or grow. This love that Paul is talking about here is not the American kind of love that we are used to. This word is used in Romans 5:1-5 when Paul talks about a Spirit led love. The love that Paul is praying that the church would grow in is a love that is given by the Spirit and one that is directed towards the Lord and all things godly. Naturally we are all in a state of decay because of sin, even our love for the Lord can easily decay if it is not strengthened by the Spirit. Paul is praying that the church would be strengthened by the Spirit to grow in loving things that are eternal, godly, and heavenly.

Q: Has your focus this week been on things that are earthly or heavenly? What have you been loving this week- has it been things related to Jesus or things of the flesh that will one day be destroyed?

c). Paul prays that the churches love would abound leading to real knowledge and discernment. These two things are very intertwined. The real knowledge Paul is talking about here is something we have discussed before. It is not just head-knowledge but and experiential knowledge. Just like there is a difference between someone knowing all things about a flying manual and someone actually being a seasoned pilot with "experiential knowledge," so too there is a huge difference between just knowing a lot of Christian facts/lingo and having "experiential knowledge" of his love. When we spend time with Him on a consistent basis- reading His word and praying to Him- we will be able to grow in our experiential knowledge of Him and will thus have more Spirit-led discernment.

Q: Do you feel that you have lately been living with just "head knowledge" of Jesus or have you lately been growing in your "experiential knowledge" of the Lord as you intentionally pursue Him? What things do you feel encourage "experiential knowledge" of the Lord?

d). Paul prays that the church growing in experiential knowledge of the Lord so that they can approve things that please the Lord. This word for approve is a word similar to our word for appraise, meaning to give value to. Only when we are walking closely with the Lord and growing in our experiential knowledge of Him can we have a right mind to give appropriate value to things. Just as in Matthew 13:44 the man sold everything He had to buy the treasure that was hidden, so too we will be able to give up things that are temporary for things that are of great heavenly value when we are led by the Spirit. We will not be able to accurately appraise or approve things unless we are growing in our experiential knowledge of the Lord's goodness and grace.

Q: Do you feel that you have been living for heavenly things lately or for things that will one day fade? What encourages you to live for things that are eternal? What steps can you take this week to live for things that are lasting?

e). Paul prays that they would be sincere and blameless. This word for sincere is a word they used in reference to Egyptian pottery that involved the pottery being without cracks when held up to the light. As we grow in the Lord, we are molded more into the image of Christ and thus have less "cracks" in our lives. Though we will never be without sin in this life, we can grow and overcome sin as we are molded into His image by His grace. This is not something we can do on our own. The Spirit of the Lord must strengthen us and change us as we seek to be molded into the image of the Lord. It is good for us to be reminded that while we are saved without regards to our works, our lives will one day be presented before the Lord to see what things will merit eternal rewards in heaven (again- this has nothing to do with our salvation but with rewards in heaven). 1 Corinthians 3 remind us of this. Our lives will one day be tested to see if we lived for things that are fleshly and fading or heavenly and lasting. Only the things that are heavenly will lead to eternal rewards. Paul is praying that the church would live for heavenly things and be storing up lasting treasures in heaven.

Q: Again, we encourage you to evaluate your lives. Are you living for heavenly or earthly things? What things encourage you to live for lasting things?

Dear Students,
We pray that you will meditate this week on the grace and peace that are offered to you in Christ Jesus. We pray that as you spend time with the Lord, you would grow in your experiential knowledge of His love and be able to share that love with others. We love you guys!

With hope,
~Sonny and Casi

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Jeremiah 3:12-14: Return to the Lord

TVCC Students,
Wow that rain storm yesterday was quite random! We are glad that so many of you were able to still make it out to worship with us last night. Last night we were able to dive in to Jeremiah 3 and see God's heart for the children of Israel and God's heart for us. Here is a recap...

~Jeremiah 3:12-14

~3:12: After all that Israel had done in their rebellion against the Lord, He still wanted them. They had literally made physical idols with their own hands committing adultery on the Lord, yet He still claimed them as His bride. He wanted them back. His heart is the same for us. Ephesians 4:22 encourages us to put off the old self with its evil practices and put on the new self given to us through Christ.

Q: In what ways are you living like adulterous Israel and worshipping things that you have created with your own hands (idols)? What steps are you going to take this week to return to the Lord and "put on" the new self (read Ephesians 4:22-23)?

~3:12: God is gracious! Even though His bride had been adulterous and had done nothing worthy of His love, He extended unconditional love to Israel based on HIS character, not their faithfulness. His grace brings glory to His name. Just like Israel, God's love for us is not based on our good deeds or even our pursuing Him. His love is based on His unconditional grace (Titus 3:5). There is nothing a believer could do to earn His love and nothing that believers can do to stop His love (Romans 8:31-39). Though we cannot earn His love, we can prevent our relationship with Him from growing to its fullest by choosing to pursue other things. This is why He continually calls His children to return to their pursuit of Him.

Q: In what ways do you find yourself sometimes trying to earn God's favor instead of soaking in the fact that you are fully His through the work of Christ?

~3:13: The one thing that God needed them to do in returning to Him was to acknowledge their iniquity. Returning and acknowledging iniquity go hand-in-hand. In order for someone to return to a place where they have come from, they must first acknowledge that they are going the wrong way. In Jeremiah 2 we see that Israel had committed 2 "evils"- they had 1. forsaken the Lord and 2. gone after other things. Before returning to Him, they needed to realize that this was wrong. Only the Lord is worthy of our full pursuit. Just like Israel, believers cannot fully know God's grace until we fully understand our personal guilt. We sinned against Christ and we deserved God's wrath. Christ paid the penalty for our sin so that we could be forgiven and return continually to Him without shame. 

Q: In what ways have you forsaken the Lord this past month and gone after other things that you thought would satisfy you? We encourage you to acknowledge that this was wrong and return to the Lord based on what Christ has done for you!

~3:14: God calls them His sons and His bride. Again, though they had walked away from Him and spurned His love, He remains faithful. This is true also with believers in Christ. Nothing can take us from the Father (John 10:28-29). We are His children through faith in Christ. For those that are really His, He has such great promises in store in the future. This life is not the eternal home for believers and God is calling us to remember that. Revelation 21 talks about the new home that Christ is preparing for His bride when He comes to get us. Let us live remembering that we are just "strangers and exiles" here in this world. This is not our home!

Q: After reading Revelation 21:1-6, are there any changes that you need to make in order to be living for heavenly things and not earthly things that will not endure?

Dear students,
We love you all very much and pray that this week has been encouraging. We pray that you will meditate this week on God's character- on His overwhelming and unconditional love for you that are in Christ. How amazing that we are completely secure in Him! Again, we love you and pray that you will grow in your intimacy with Christ this week as you let His word dwell in your hearts.

With hope,
~Sonny and Casi