Thursday, June 20, 2013

Revelation 3: Laodicean Church

Dear TVCC Students,
Again we know that summertime is quite unpredictable and chaotic with cheer and football camps, vacations and mission trips. Through all of that it is refreshing to be able to have our consistent Life service where we can worship with you guys and study God's Word. Since we have not jumped into a new book yet, we are taking a few weeks to just hear what the Lord might have for all of us. Last night we were in Revelation 3 because in many ways our American Church looks very similar to this lukewarm church that is being disciplined by the Lord. Here is a recap from last night...

~Revelation 3:14-16: Laodicea was being called out for being lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- when it came to their faith. They were "fence riders" and this was not okay with Jesus. In order to show His displeasure with this He let them know that being lukewarm made Him want to throw up. God cannot stand apathy- and this is what the Laodicean church was guilty of.

Q: When you look at your life and your faith- would you say that your faith is hot, cold or lukewarm? If it is not "hot," what are some changes that you feel the Lord calling you to make so that it will be?

~3:16: What does it look like for our faith to be lukewarm? 2 Timothy 3:1 states that in the last times (which many believe are now) people (even in the church) will be lovers of themselves. They will have a form of godliness but deny its power. A lukewarm "Christian" is someone who knows all of the right answers about Christianity and Jesus but still lives a self-serving life void of the power of God. There is no evidence in this person's life of the Spirit of God coming to change them- they just have memorized a bunch of facts that they hold on to thinking they can be saved by knowledge alone. God did not come for us just to know a bunch of bible verses. He came to give us NEW LIFE- to change us through His Son and Spirit.

Q: Do you see evidence of the Holy Spirit changing your life or do you look exactly the same now as you did before confessing Christianity? We ask that you really evaluate your life to see if your faith is genuine or if you are just clinging to a bunch of facts hoping it will be enough.

~3:17: Lukewarm people do not think they need anything. The city of Laodicea was known for their finances, fashion, and medicine. They thought they had it all together and they did not acknowledge a need for the Lord. God calls them out on this. Though they thought they had everything figured out, they were really wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked (the exact opposite of how they viewed themselves).

Q: What are some areas in your life that you think you have "all together?" Do you realize on a daily basis that everything good in you is from Him and that He is really the one that holds all things together? We know that pride comes before the fall and we ask that you check your life to see if there are any areas in your life where pride has crept in. Confess that and repent this week, acknowledging again that He is the one who sustains and grows us.

~3:18: God calls the Laodicean church to come back to Him and buy from Him gold refined by fire so that they would really be rich. What does this mean? In Isaiah 55:1-5 God tells His people what this looks like. We are to come and buy from Him without money because HE has already paid the price. 1 Corinthians 6:20 says that we were bought with a price and should thus glorify God with our bodies. Christ already paid for us to have eternal riches- an inheritance with Him that is imperishable (1 Peter 1) and will not fade away. Our call is to come to Jesus and accept His payment on our behalf and thus be "clothed, rich, and actually see."

Q: Do you realize that Christ paid the penalty for your rebellion so that you could be redeemed from your spiritual blindness, nakedness, and poverty? Are you coming to Him to be filled or trying to fill yourself through worldly means that will never satisfy? We pray that you will see the emptiness of trying to satisfy yourself with anything other than Jesus.

~3:19: Just as God is calling the Laodicean church to repent and return- He is calling us. Here He is calling them to experience genuine salvation- to realize their complete depravity and come to the Lord to have complete restoration through the work of Christ on the Cross. We have nothing. He has everything.

Q: Have you ever really come to grips with your complete depravity and the holiness of the Lord? Do you realize that you were "miserable, poor, blind, and naked" with Christ's blood being the only "cure"? We pray that you will spend time meditating on the Work of Christ on your behalf and that you will walk in thankfulness this week for His salvation.

~3:21: Jesus ends His talk with this church by reminding them that those who overcome will be able to sit with Him on His throne. At first this might discourage us because very few of us would think of ourselves as over-comers, but looking at 1 John 5:4 we see what it means to be an overcomer: being born of God! Our faith in the Cross is what overcomes. Christ overcame through His death and resurrection and we share in that through belief that His death was on our behalf! We are overcomers through Him!

Dear students,
We are so thankful to get to worship with you every Wednesday. We pray that you will mediate on Psalm 51 this week- thanking the Lord that we have been washed by Him and asking Him to restore to us the joy of our salvation!! Praise God for what He has done! We love you all and are praying for you this week.

With hope,
Sonny and Casi

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Acts 17:16-28 Paul's Gospel Presentation

TVCC Students,
Wow! Summer is flying by so fast. We know that summer can be a little bit chaotic with vacations and other things that throw normalcy out the window. With all of the summer madness it is so nice to come on Wednesday and worship with you all. We say this often but we are so encouraged to see you all growing in faith and love. Getting to worship with you all is such a blessing to us. Last night we were able to study Acts 17 and Paul's defense of the gospel in Athens. Here are the highlights...

~Acts 17:16: Paul's spirit was provoked when he saw the city of Athens given over to idolatry. When Paul saw false theology and people living for and worshipping things that were lifeless, he had to do something about it. It was not okay with him to sit by idly and let others live for something that would lead to their eternal suffering. Love is demonstrated when we speak the truth.

Q: Is your spirit provoked when you see people worshipping things that are false or do you just sit back and let others continue in their false worship knowing that Christ died so that they could be brought back into a relationship with the Father? If you have found yourself being okay with the idolatry of others, we pray that you will confess that and ask the Lord to give you a spirit that longs to see others know and worship Him.

~Acts 17:22: Paul knew the culture of the city that he was sharing the gospel with. He knew their past and the plague that had been checked by the "unknown god." He used their current and past situations to point them to Jesus.

Q: Are you someone who listens and gains information before speaking? Listening to someone's life-story before sharing the gospel with them might be a great help in finding where they are and showing them that Christ came to fill their emptiness.

~Acts 17:24: Here Paul is revealing the falsities in their worship. They ignorantly worshipped many gods and were pretty much full pantheists (everything is god). Paul here states that their worship is empty and there is a Creator who isn't contained by anything humans can make. He is above and beyond all of our human comprehension and ingenuity. Psalm 139 reminds us of this truth. God is everywhere and creation is declaring His power and glory. We cannot escape His presence and we cannot confine Him. Our only appropriate response is to humbly worship Him!!

Q: Do you try to fit God into a mold that you have made for him (not only physical but even ideological)? Are you letting yourself be transformed by His word on a daily basis? We must realize that God's Word needs to continually be shaping our view of Him or we will (even unknowingly) let the culture lead us to worship false gods that we have made in our own image.

~Acts 17:25: God doesn't need anything. Our worship does not define Him or sustain Him. It is good for us to remember that He was and is wholly complete without us. We are the ones that need Him. He created us and we are His through belief in the death of Jesus on our behalf. We belong to Him and our lives should be lived in such a way that we trust Him to do with us what seems best to Him. Everything good in our lives is by His grace and we do well to trust Him with our who lives.

Q: Do you realize that all that you have is really the Lord's? Are you continually striving to be at a place of complete surrender to Him where you fully trust Him to do what is best for you and His glory? What things are you trying to hold back from Him? We pray that you will repent of trying to keep things safe apart from Him and return to a place of quiet surrender.

"Everything is safe which we commit to Him, and nothing is really safe which is not so committed."
~A.W. Tozer from Pursuit of God

~Acts 17:27: God does everything in our lives so that we would seek Him like a bride ready to meet her bridegroom. God sent His Son so that we could be brought back to Him. His goal is for us to be intimate with Him through His Son. He wants us to realize that He is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!! He is the goal, the treasure, and our hearts will find rest only when they are resting in Him!

Q: Are you walking in an intimate relationship with the Lord where you are conversing with Him daily (through prayer) and listening to Him speak back to you (through prayer and His Word)? Know today that Jesus died so that you could have an intimate relationship with the Father. This is the goal!

Dear students,
We are praying for you all this week. We pray that the Lord would reveal any idols that you have been serving either consciously or unconsciously. We pray that you would repent of any idolatry and return to an close relationship with the Lord of heaven and earth. We love you all and pray that you will diligently pursue God this week.

With hope,
~Sonny and Casi