Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hebrews 1: Jesus- Name Above All Names!

TVCC Students,
We have finished our study in the book of Colossians and have now entered the book of Hebrews. It is always refreshing to worship with you all on Wednesday nights and to see your devotion to the Lord and one another. Last night we dove into Hebrews 1 and unpacked some great truths about Jesus and how He is greater than anyone/anything! Here is a recap...

Hebrews 1:1-14
~1:1-2: God is continually trying to speak to us. From the time of creation on, the Lord has desired a relationship with mankind and has spoken to His people. He is not a distant god that created us and then left man to himself. God pursues man. After hundreds of years speaking to His people through prophets and priests, the Lord came down Himself to speak to His creation in Christ. 
      ~John 1 goes into greater detail about who Jesus is. Jesus is the ultimate expression of God's heart to be with His people. When we look at the life of Jesus, we see the character of the Father, Son and Spirit. It is so important for us to continually be meditating on the gospels which recorded the life and ministry of Jesus. This time of Christ's first coming is what the writer of Hebrews is referring to when he says "the last times." These "last times" are the years from the time of Christ's first coming until His second coming.

Q: Do you realize the lengths the Lord has gone through to have a relationship with mankind... with you? He sent His Son to live on earth and one day die in your place so that you could have an intimate relationship with Him. What is holding you back from enjoying your relationship with the Lord?

~1:2: The Father made Jesus "heir of all things." In Acts 2:36 we see that Jesus who was crucified is both Lord and Christ. He is Lord of all things and He made everything. The word that the writer uses here for "world" implies much more than just planet earth but means "ages." Jesus not only made our planet but He made time, space, the farthest galaxies that we cannot even fathom! Then, after all of this, He came to dwell among His creation!

Q: Have you lately meditated on how extravagant the Lord's creation is? How amazing is it that the Lord who made everything desires a relationship with you?

~1:3: Jesus is the radiance or the shining of the glory of God. Again, in Christ we see the Father. He shines light on the Father's character. Not only did Jesus shine light on the Father but He made purification for our sins once and for all (then sat down as it was finished!) 

~1:4-7: When coming into the world as flesh, the second person of the Trinity became the Son. Though He was on earth, Jesus is still more glorious than the angels and offers to share His inheritance with those who have trusted in His death and resurrection on their behalf. Romans 8:16 and Matthew 21:33 both demonstrate God's heart towards us- that He is offering us the inheritance of Christ through faith in what He has done on our behalf!

Q: Do you realize the riches of the inheritance that is offered to you in Christ? He is heir of all things... all things!

~1:8-11: The Trinity glorify each other. In these verses we see that the Father is glorifying the son and we often see in the gospels the Son glorifying the Father and the Spirit glorifying the Son. They are all equal and continually bring glory to one another.

~1:12: Everything on earth will one day fade, decay, and eventually come to an end... except Jesus (and our souls). Nothing but Jesus is worth our complete devotion and love because nothing else will last for all eternity!

Q: Are you living your life for things that are destined to fade and come to an end or are you living for the glory of Christ that will last forever? What does it look like to live for Christ on a daily basis?

~1:13-14: Jesus is better than angels... He is better than everything! He has come to reach out to us for us to enjoy a relationship with Him. Pursuing Him will never cease to bring us fulfillment and joy. His presence is never dull or unsatisfying! 

Q: Have you been "practicing the presence of Christ" lately? What does it look like for you to enjoy His presence?

Dear students,
We are so thankful for each one of you. We loved getting to worship with you at Heritage Assisted Living this past weekend. You all encourage us so much. We love getting to serve and worship the Lord alongside you all. We pray that this week you will meditate on Jesus- name above all names!! We encourage you to spend time meditating on the Gospels and unpack the character of the Lord through studying the life of Christ. Let your time in the Word lead you to more adoration and love for the God who became Man in order to restore relationship with His creation. What an amazing God we serve!! We love you guys!!

With hope,
~Sonny and Casi

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Colossians 4:7-19: All In This Together...

Dear TVCC Students,
We are so encouraged to see that so many of you have been willing to brave the cold weather lately and come to Life on Wednesdays! It really does encourage us so much to see you all devoted to fellowship, teaching & worship. We finished up the book of Colossians last night and it was such a wonderful reminder of how we are all the same under Christ. Here is a recap...

Colossians 4:7-19: Paul was continuing to take the gospel everywhere in the regions around the Mediterranean Sea and receiving much opposition from the Jewish faith. Most of the Jews rejected Christ in order to continue living under the law (their "check list" that made them feel that they could attain righteousness on their own)

~4:7-8: Paul begins with talking about Tychius. It is evident from his writing that Paul really view others as fellow workers and co-heirs with himself. He called Tychius a fellow bondservant for Christ. Paul knew that he was not better than anyone else and that all believers are "in this together..." Paul did not think of himself as great and everyone else as lesser Christians. He utilized the body of Christ to help get the gospel to as many people as possible.

Q: Do you think highly of yourself because maybe your story before Christ wasn't "that bad" or do you really believe that under Christ we are really all knew creations and are all seen as holy before the Lord? Ask the Lord to reveal any arrogance in your heart or self righteousness that you might be living in. Please read 2 Corinthians 5:17 and meditate on the truth in this scripture.

~4:9: Next, Paul moves on to Onesimus. Once again we see that Paul does not speak arrogantly about others who have had a rough past. Onesimus was a former slave who had run away from his master and then become a Christian. After becoming a believer, Paul had told him to go back to his owner and fulfill his earthly duty to his master. With all of this, Paul speaks so highly of Onesimus, calling him a faithful and beloved brother. Regardless of our past, we are called "beloved" in Christ.

Q: Do you realize that Christ redeems you from all of your past. There is no sin too grave or disgusting that still has a hold over you once you come to Jesus by faith in His death and resurrection on your behalf. He completely restores you and does not count your sins against you! He has canceled the debt against you by His blood. Please read Psalm 103:12 and Colossians 2:13-14 and meditate on the truths in these passages.

~4:10- This little snippet about Mark is quite interesting. Paul and Mark had at one time parted ways because of a fight and it seems as though Paul had held on to some bitterness against Mark for a while before reconciling with him. Even among the church there will be times where we are at odds with one another but we must remember that we are called to be at peace with one another as far as it depends on us (Romans 12:18). It is great to see that even Paul still struggled to always walk in obedience to the Lord but that he was willing to make amends for the sake of the gospel.

Q: Is there anyone that you are at odds with that you need to make peace with for the sake of the gospel? Remember that disunity hurts the body of Christ and we are called to be at peace with one another.

~4:11: Paul mentions here that few of the "circumcision" remained faithful friends of Paul. Once he began to preach the gospel, he was separated from his old life and from those that he was once very close to. The gospel will separate us from others who reject Christ. We must be ready for this. All who desire to live godly in Christ will be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12)

Q: Have you experienced the loss of friends because of your devotion to the gospel?

~4:12: Paul goes on to talk about Epaphras and his amazing prayer life. Paul calls him someone who is struggling or "laboring" in prayer. The word he uses is one used of athletes competing in a competition. Paul is telling us that Epaphras really labors in prayer. Prayer is not something he comes to lightly but he is devoted to his brethren as an athlete is to his sport. How encouraging!

Q: Do you "labor" in prayer for others? What changes do you need to ask the Spirit to make in you so that you can join with Epaphras in "struggling" in prayer for your brothers and sisters in Christ?

~4:13-17: Paul goes on to continue speaking of other believers that have encouraged him and the churches around him. He then calls everyone to "see to it" or "take heed" that they fulfill the ministry that was given to them by the Lord. When reading Ephesians 2:8=10 we see that our salvation was not without purpose. Christ saved us and then calls us to go and complete the good works that he has prepared for us. Every Christian has a specific ministry given to them by Christ and should be investing in the lives of others so that the gospel will continue to go forth and bear fruit. We need to pay attention to our lives and make sure that we are embracing the opportunities that the Lord gives us to share His gospel with others.

Q: Are you embracing the opportunities that the Lord has given you to spread the gospel to those around you? What ministry has the Lord called you to in this season of your life? What changes do you feel the Spirit calling you to in order that you might fulfill the ministry given to you in this season?

~4:18: Paul calls the believers to "remember his chains." When we feel the desire to walk in self pity, it is good for us to remember the sufferings of others in the faith who are laboring for the gospel and are being persecuted more harshly than us. Paul then prays for grace for the Colossian  church. We are saved by grace and called to share that grace with others!

Q: Have you been walking in self pity lately regarding a tough situation that you have been in? We encourage you to remember the persecution of others that are living for the gospel. We are all in this together. Life can be tough but Jesus really is enough.

Dear Students,
Again , we are so thankful to get to worship with you every Wednesday and love seeing you all growing in truth and love. Let us remember this week that there is nothing better than living in nearness to Jesus! Meditate on His grace this week and be ready to share it with others!! We love you and are praying for you this week!

With hope,
~Sonny and Casi