Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ephesians 1:15-23: Praying for One Another

TVCC Students,
Wow! Summer is coming quickly to an end. As you may know, we have spent the month of July going through different passages on prayer and then praying as a group on Wednesday nights for the both the students and the student ministry of TVCC as we prepare to start the 2013-2014 school year. It has been encouraging to hear your prayers for one another and to see your hearts set on bringing glory to Jesus through your lives. Sonny taught this week from Ephesians 1:15-23 in hopes of encouraging us in remembering the purpose and goal of corporate prayer. Here is a recap...

~Ephesians 1:15-16: Paul prays often for his friends. This might sound small but it isn't. It is so easy in our world to get so busy that we forget to stop, be still, and pray! If we really love our friends and family, we will make it a priority to be daily lifting them up in prayer. Remember that love is an action not a feeling!

Q: Do you spend time daily praying for your family and friends? If not, we encourage you to try to spend at least ten minutes a day in prayer for those that Lord brings to your mind to pray for. It will be so refreshing to your spirit, your walk with the Lord, and your friendships.

~Ephesians 1:17: Paul realizes that it is the Lord that gives wisdom and revelation. We have nothing that we did not receive from the Lord and it will be a great benefit to pray continually that the Lord will give us more wisdom to honor His name.

~Ephesians 1:18-21: Paul prays for 3 things for the body of Christ that they would know the...

1. Hope of His calling (vs 18). Paul is praying that they would remember that it is God who called them and He is the One that sustains them. He is encouraging them to hold to their security in Christ and not fall back into a works-based faith. (Romans 11:29; Titus 3:5; Galatians 3:3)

Q: Are you resting in the peace that God is the One who has called you and He is the One that sustains your faith? We pray that you will meditate on that truth and let it bring comfort to you this week.

2. Riches of the glory of the inheritance of the saints (vs 18). Romans 8 gives a great picture of this. Those who are led by the Spirit of God (through Jesus) are sons of God and are eternally secure in that position. What a great honor! Paul is praying that they would remember their sonship in Christ- that they are co-heirs with Christ and have an eternal inheritance that is secure and wonderful beyond comprehension (1 Peter 1). When we remember our inheritance in Christ, it will encourage us to behave in a way that brings Him honor and glory. Knowing your position in the family of God will help you live differently than the world.

Q: Have you been living your life remembering that you are a child of the King of Creation through faith in Jesus Christ? If you were to live your life in this way, what are some changes that you think might take place in your daily life?

3. Surpassing greatness of His power toward those who believe (vs 19-21). Paul is again reminding them that as God has chosen them, He has the power (this word for power is the same word that we get our English word: dynamite) to protect our salvation. Though life may throw us many "curve balls" and we will often have seasons that are difficult to bare, we can rest assured that our ETERNAL home is being preserved by the Creator of the world whose power is incomprehensible. Knowing this truth helps us to persevere through trials. Romans 8:31-37 brings even more light on this subject. If the Lord is for us, who can really be against us!? Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ. His power is our security and our peace.

Q: Does the power of God to secure your salvation bring you peace and lead you to living a life of thankfulness to Him? When people see you, do they see someone whose heart is devoted to living a life of thankfulness to Christ?

Dear students,
We love you all very much and are praying Ephesians 1:15-23 for you this week. We pray also that you will reach out to others and love as you have been loved by the Lord. Remember that everyday your are given opportunities within your families, schools, and extra- curricular activities to show others the glory of Christ by the way that you serve and love others. We encourage you to spend time daily in undistracted prayer this week by yourself and with the body of Christ. Again, we love you and are praying for a great year! 

With hope,
~Sonny and Casi 

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