Friday, April 19, 2013

John 18:1-11

TVCC Students,
We are so thankful to get to worship with you! This past Wednesday was such a great reminder of the power of God and His Word! Here is a recap...

~John 18:1-3: About 600 men came with Judas to arrest Jesus. Obviously they knew that they were not dealing with some lowly man- they just had no idea that His plan was to go with them willingly to die on our behalf.

~John 18:4: Jesus "knew all things" including the full fury of the wrath of God that was coming towards sinners. Even knowing to the FULL extent both the physical and spiritual wrath that He was about to endure... Jesus WENT FORTH! What a courageous Warrior is our Lord. He did not shrink back at the coming Cross but went forth SO THAT we might be with Him and the Father eternally!

Q: When you think of Jesus do you see Him as your victorious Warrior that "went forth" to the Cross on your behalf? How should His boldness and courage change the way you live this week?

~John 18:5: After Jesus is told that the soldiers are looking for Him, He responds with a phrase only used for the Lord in the Old Testament... "I AM." When Moses had been asked who was sending him to free the Israelites from Egypt (Exodus 3:13), he is told to tell pharaoh "I AM" has sent him. This shows us the eternality and self sufficiency of God. Jesus is here telling everyone again, "I AM THE LORD" and this truth is followed with great power!

~John 18:6-9: When Jesus told them that He is the I AM- power came forth from Him and knocked them (all) off their feet. Again, this would have been about 600 men... all knocked off their feet when Jesus' powerful words "I AM" came out!! The Word of God is so powerful!!! In Job 38 and Mark 4 we see that even the wind and the waves obey Him! What a powerful God we serve that the foundations of the world were created by His Word!

Q: What things in your life need to change this week that would reveal that you intimately know and love the Lord who spoke creation into existence and who knocked about 600 men off their feet by His Word!? Are you living in a way that displays His power in your life? Is there anything that the Lord has asked you to do lately for Him that you have not done? (If creation responds in obedience to Him, how much more should we, as His bride, trust and obey Him?)

~John 18:10: Even at this point, Peter was not fully understanding the plan of the Lord. As His followers we can at at times not fully know what He is doing but rest assured He will correct us! Jesus goes on to explain to the crowd and His disciples that He is embracing the coming cup of the wrath of God ("shall I not drink the cup?"). Again we are reminded here that Jesus' life WAS NOT taken from Him, He laid it down SO THAT we might be brought into an intimate relationship with Him. He knew our wretched state and the wrath that we deserved and He stepped up as our victorious Warrior to give us freedom as He took our penalty for us! He was not living for temporal pleasure or comfort but was living with eternity in mind.

Q: Are we living with eternity in mind or are we living for temporal comforts here? What changes do you need to make this week to live with a more eternal mindset? Please read Colossians 3 as you consider this.

Q: Is Jesus worth it to you for your life to look a little weird and awkward to others? Sometimes Jesus calls us to do things that don't let us fit in with the world and make us stand out for Him... are we willing to do what He calls us even if our comforts might be shaken? Is there anything right now that you feel the Lord calling you to do that might make you look a little bit "weird" or even "radical?" How are you responding to His calling?

Dear students,
We love getting to spend time seeing the Lord working in your lives. We pray that this week you will meditate on Jesus as your winning Champion who swooped in and rescued you from the wrath that you deserved. He went forth to the Cross so that you might have eternal life and intimacy with Him. Spend time with Him this week and ask Him how your life can be lived with a more eternal perspective. We love you and are praying for you all!

With hope,
~Sonny and Casi

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